ISA Brown Information
Breed Highlights
ISA Browns are a favourite for individuals and families who are new to caring for poultry. These moderately sized birds are known to produce prolific amounts of eggs year-round. Furthermore, they are affectionate in nature and require relatively low maintenance.
Breed usage
Very good egg production
Moderate meat production
Family friendly
Cold climate hardy: Yes
Rare breed: No
Egg information
Colour: Brown
Size: Medium
Quantity: 6-7 eggs/hen/week

Full Overview
ISA Browns are relatively new on the scene, originating in France in the 1970s. However, since their development, ISA Browns have become extremely popular in commercialised poultry farming and therefore common. This is because they were developed to have prolific laying capabilities, laying upwards of 300 medium-sized, brown eggs per year! Due to their extraordinary laying abilities, ISA Browns should be provided with protein and calcium supplements to ensure they have enough energy for egg production and maintenance of their feathers.
ISA Browns are noted as being great chickens for people new to caring for poultry. They are moderate in size (2-3kg), are able to stand a wide temperature range and their gentle, affectionate nature makes them family-friendly! These birds also require relatively low maintenance and while they love to forage, they can cope well with confinement. Initially, the addition of new birds to a flock of ISA Browns may stir some trouble. However, this can be mitigated by introducing birds of equivalent size and ensuring that all birds have ample space.
One consideration when purchasing ISA Browns is that their prolific egg-laying ability is at the expense of their longevity. While they can survive for up to 8 years given proper care, the lifespan and egg-laying period of these birds is more commonly 2-3 years. After 2-3 years, egg-laying will not cease completely, but will be lesser than during the initial 2-3 years. Furthermore, due to being a hybrid, rather than a purebred, it is recommended not to breed these chickens. Any offspring produced are likely to have reduced egg-laying potential and suffer from health complications including kidney problems.